Ride On King Jesus | Central Catholic High School Gospel Choir | Toledo, OH | 15 Nov 2009

2020-08-22 25

What will we be like and do in Heaven? This video is an earthly example. Those of us who know and love Jesus Christ and have sought to do His Will on Earth will continue to give praise to Him and worship Him regardless of our church affiliation, sex, race, political affiliation, nation, disabilities, acquired finite knowledge, certifications, degrees, status, employment or lack thereof on planet Earth. In Heaven, we will be working without disability, pain, suffering, and tears amid peace, love, and joy indescribable forever. May we take time to let that sink in.

The Gospel Choir of Central Catholic High School of Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. performs at the Third Baptist Church in Holland, Ohio on 15 November 2009. Reverend Madison Gregory III was the pastor of Third Baptist Church.

“Ride On King Jesus,” is an African-American spiritual. What is sung is a variation from different arrangers. The song is sung by chorus call and response. Between 1871-1878, the spiritual became a favorite of the Fisk Jubilee Singers on their tours to raise funds for Fisk University in Tennessee.

Scripture reference is from Psalm 45:4: “In your majesty ride on victoriously for the cause of truth and to defend the right; let your right hand teach you dread deeds.”